About Me

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” – Michael Scott

I'm a journalist with a passion for the arts, pop culture and lifestyle journalism. Unfortunately, binge-watching Sex and the City has given me unrealistic expectations of life as a writer. I’m still waiting for the day I get my own column, or can buy designer shoes and cocktails without crying as I open the Wallet app on my phone.

I have an MA in Arts Journalism and have written for several well-known entertainment websites and cultural publications, along with covering the wonderfully weird things you can find around the internet as a trending news reporter.

In my spare time I log an embarrassing number of hours on The Sims, re-watch the same five TV shows over and over again, and yell at my cat for trying to eat things that she shouldn’t.

Have a pitch or need a freelancer? Email me at sophielloydwriter@gmail.com

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